Medication And Nutrition Consultant For HIV Positive Adults
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Hoda Masmouei
Good nutrition is critical for people living with HIV/AIDS.
Nutrition should be viewed as an essential co-therapy that can help maximize medical management of HIV. Eating well can:
-Prevent or delay the loss of muscle tissue or "wasting"
-Help strengthen the immune system
-Help reduce viral mutations
-Decrease the incidence and severity of opportunistic infections and hospitalizations
-Lessen the debilitating symptoms of HIV/AIDS
-Protein helps build muscle tissue and helps your immune system fight off infection.
Studies have shown that HIV weight --loss tends to reduce protein stores more quickly than starvation.
Carbohydrates and fats are important because HIV can increase the body's metabolic rate causing us to use more calories to do the same work we did with fewer calories before becoming HIV+.

Getting adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals and photochemicals produces energy and protects against chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer and high blood pressure.
Depending on your medication, you may not be eating enough for proper absorption of these medications.




     People with HIV should try to eat a diet that is         30% protein, 30% carbohydrates and 30% fruit   




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Dr Hoda:"Physicians say: take two tablets after meal but they forget about the meal!! Meeting immediate food, nutrition and other basic needs is essential for HIV/AIDS-affected households to live with dignity and security"




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